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This checklist is a comprehensive guide for successful ISO 27001 certification and also provides valuable ideas for a streamlined audit process.
Over 4.000+ customers trust DataGuard as their external data protection officer
TISAX® is a registered trademark of the ENX Association. DataGuard is not affiliated with the ENX Association. We provide Software-as-a-Service and support for the assessment on TISAX® only. The ENX Association does not take any responsibility for any content shown on DataGuard's website.
All data provided is for information only, based on internal estimates. This information is not indicative of KPIs, and is not given with any warranties or guarantees, expressly stated or implied in relation to accuracy and reliability.
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100% success in ISO 27001 audits to date
TISAX® is a registered trademark of the ENX Association. DataGuard is not affiliated with the ENX Association. We provide consultation and support for the assessment on TISAX® only. The ENX Association does not take any responsibility for any content shown on DataGuard's website.