
28. January 2019

Performance on data protection on Munich's Marienplatz at 17:00

The Munich-based legal technology company DataGuard will raise awareness on the subject of data protection on Munich’s Marienplatz next Monday (28.01.2019). In a live performance at 17:00, the passers-by learn everything they should not know about the protagonist Lisa.

In addition, DataGuard launches the free DataDuell app for European Data Protection Day. It is intended to familiarize consumers with the topic of data protection in a playful way. Its functionality is reminiscent of the famous dating app Tinder. With a swipe, the user decides whether a statement to protect data is right or wrong. Subconsciously the user develops a sense for the careful handling of their own data. DataDuell is available for free download from both the App Store and the Google Play Store.

“The uncontrolled handling of personal data carries risks for everyone. This can be experienced live in our performance. In our eyes, privacy is a human right”, explains Kivanc Semen, co-founder and CEO of DataGuard.

The hashtag #meineDaten accompanies the action in social media. Under the dedicated website www.meinedaten.xyz you will find further information about the performance and about DataGuard. If you do not manage to be there live, you can follow the campaign in the livestream at www.meinedaten.xyz/live.


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